Sunday 30 December 2007


Well what a week it was for me, i worked on nights and half nights all over the festive period, not so much festive as downright exhausting for ambulance staff out and about.
We started our shift in our own area but within 5 minutes we were out of area, one night spent solely in Leeds all night , no time alloted for a meal break , just job after job.....
Most of our work was to respond to drunken revellry and downright alcohol abuse!
14 and 15 years of age totally out of it laying out on the cold wet floor , a 68 year old man laying out on a pavement for over an hour at risk of Hypothermia, been drinking allday.
Youths cut and bleeding after having an argument once again fuelled by drink, its about time that something was done as to the availability of drink to young people and also about time that the public was educated in to when and when not to call for a ambulance,
I finished my run of nights fully exhausted and in between all this i cooked a christmas dinner on christmas day for 12 people just barely managing to sit down for an hour before setting off to work again.
So i am on my days off now and christmas is over once again for another year, its time to reflect and think about what i really want to do with my life , pick up drunks for ever , i really dont think so !!!!!

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